Omaha AHEC General Student Information Form

Thank you for your interest in programs supported by the Omaha AHEC. This information is collected as part of the federal grant requirements for the Omaha AHEC.

Your information is kept confidential and your name and personal information is not reported or sold.

If you have questions, please reach out to Clare Maakestad, Omaha AHEC Coordinator at

Demographic Data

Home Address
Please list your address growing up. If you had multiple childhood homes, please list the zip code where you spent the most time growing up. If you grew up in another country, list the country and city/town. If you are unsure, simply list your permanent address.

Education Information
This information may be shared with the UNO Pre-Health Professionals Club.

(e.g. Pre-Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Physical Therapy, undecided)

(e.g. Biology, Psychology, History)

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